한국인구학회The Population Association of Korea


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공지 및 소식

[Population Association of Korea ] Call for Papers - Population Association of Korea 2019 First Biannual Meeting
  • 관리자
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  • 6436
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  • 2019-03-09 16:28:57

Call for Papers!!

Population Association of Korea 2019 First Biannual Meeting


   The Population Association of Korea (PAK) is delighted to announce the 2019 First Biannual Meeting to be held on June 14, 2019 in Statistics Training Institute (STI), Daejeon, South Korea. The PAK’s Biannual Meeting aims to bring together researchers working on population studies and invites them to present and discuss their most recent empirical findings and methodological approaches. 


   The plenary theme of this meeting will be Multidisciplinary perspectives on ageing: The intersection of demography and cultural anthropology.’ The meeting also provides a forum for exchange of ideas among current and prospective members, policy makers, and the research community; topics include but not limited to ageing, fertility & reproductive health, marriage & family, health & mortality, social stratification & inequality, life course, demographic methods, internal and international migration, and regional studies. Participants outside South Korea are especially welcome and their papers may be assigned into an international session (in English)consecutive interpreting is available for presentations in Chinese and Japanese, if necessary.


  Participants are asked to submit a title and short abstract (about 250 words) by midnight on Friday, May 10 (Korea Standard Time, UTC+9). Please email to with ‘PAK meeting abstract’ in the title line. Final decision with detailed schedules will be notified in two weeks. Please note that to be published in the conference proceedings, a full paper or extended abstract should also be submitted to by Friday, May 24. Important dates are as below.


  Please contact or if you have any questions. 

Important dates

May 10, 2019. Deadline for titles and shot abstracts

May 24, 2019. Deadline for full papers or extended abstracts

June 14, 2019. Conference


이전글 [한국인구학회] 일본인구학회 2019 학술대회 일정안내
다음글 [한국인구학회] 2018 후기 학술대회 안내
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