한국인구학회The Population Association of Korea


  • 알림마당
  • 공지 및 소식

공지 및 소식

2020 대만인구학회 일정 및 학회참석안내
  • 관리자
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  • 8471
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  • 2020-02-06 10:36:07

English web page is now available!

2020 Annual Conference of the Population Association of Taiwan

Demographic Change, Health and Well-Being

15-16 May


Abstract submission deadline: 14 February

Abstract Notification: 13 March


Now the English web pages for abstract submission are available for the 2020 Annual Conference of the Population Association of Taiwan to be held at College of Public Health, National Taiwan University, Taipei, 15-16 May 2020.


Thanks to the 4-country agreement, PAJ members can submit an abstract in English or Chinese by 11:59 pm (EST) on February 14 (Friday) subject to the same conditions as the PAT members.


Those who wish to submit an abstract should sign-up/log-in the following English web pages for submitting an abstract:


We look forward to greeting you at 2020 Annual Conference of the Population Association of Taiwan in Taipei, Taiwan where we will be focusing on the theme “Demographic Change, Health and Well-Being”.


Theme-Related Content Encouraged

Population Association of Taiwan is interested in content related to the conference theme “Demographic Change, Health, and Well-Being”. The following featured areas are encouraged:


Ÿ   Trends in demographic change and their implications to health and well-being: papers on the relationship between the population and issues such as marriage, family, living condition, labor participation, health care, technology development, urban–rural divide, public health, care and well-being, and insurance and financial planning.

Ÿ   Population and health disparity.

Ÿ   Application of big data and quantitative methods in demographic research.


Please note the following important dates!


Submission Close Date: 14 February 2020

Author Notification: 13 March 2020


For questions regarding the (pre-)registration and abstract submission, please contact the Program Committee at the following e-mail address:


이전글 [학회지 투고] 한국인구학 투고요령
다음글 2020 여성가족패널조사 학술대회 및 대학원생 논문 경진대회 안내
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